Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mushaboom mushaboom...

...Ironic how the funnest part of my trip may never get blogged about. Especially since I said I would. Just to reiterate, I love Asheville. I love it more every time I go.

And yes, I am aware that "funnest" is not really a word. Neither is "thingy." So boo to you.

So I went to the first leg of advisement today. Good news (well, depending on how you look at it): I'm almost positive I won't have to stay an extra semester in college. I'm outta here in May '08.

Ohhh...the real world, Jesus...

Speaking of Jesus, I started praying the hours. Apparently it's kinda a Catholic thing or something (I'm not really familiar with its origins, so don't quote me on that), but I like kinda being reminded with Scripture during the day and starting and ending the day with prayer.

But back to advisement. Bad news: Might not be graduating from the Honors College. Which isn't horrible, since IB'll look shiny enough on my resume, I suppose. It'll just be kinda annoying if it turns out I trudged through three years of honors classes and lowered my GPA for nothing... But I'm still a little hopeful. We'll see what my honors advisor says tomorrow.

I have shoulders like a linebacker. If I lifted weights, I could kill people... Cap sleeves make me notice that. Ironic.

I started writing to-do lists again. It helps me get more stuff done. Till I start looking at Wikipedia. Wikipedia is to me as YouTube is to...normal people. As Facebook is to Stephen Key.

I am tired. My emotions are tucked away in that corner of my heart they retreat to at times. I have neither the energy nor the desire to access them. Tomorrow, I hope...

Right back one, I imagine it is. Never dusty.

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